BagID has been designed in close collaboration with airlines and airports, and is designed to handle shock, rain and rough baggage handling.
The cover features rough edges for extra resistance against impact on the sides. The screen is made of a flexible material so that it is bendable and should not break, and the display is covered with a special designed protective glass. It is extremely resistant to scratches.
BagID has been tested by Avinor at Gardemoen airport (OSLO International airport) for verification that it can withstand rough baggage handling conditions.
Crash testing of the BagID has also been performed. The BagID was attached to the underside of a 27kg suitcase and dropped from 1 meter height. The only registered damage from the testing was a scratch on the attachment plate. The screen was undamaged and remained fully readable.
BagID 2 can track everything in temperatures between -4 degrees Celcius and +60 degrees Celsius. While the device can endure light rain and moisture, it is not completely waterproof. Please take care to prevent any accidental submersion in water.